Tuesday, 16 December 2014

What are the Benefits of Uniqueness as a Team Member?

Do you recognise your own uniqueness and that of those people around you? Because you are, we are each and every one of us unique and special and will never be repeated again. We build up this uniqueness from the time when we are born, embodying new qualities and abilities and conversely some of us lose our way for a while during testing times. Testing times may be used as opportunities to grow stronger, as if we don't break, we become richer and wiser for the experience. 
The topic today is regarding recognising our uniqueness when working within a team, which perhaps our job entails or we may be on a voluntary team or committee, which brings us into these situations. Also stressful times such as those leading up to Christmas each year, stretch us and can be uplifting, difficult, rewarding or all of those and more.
Team work is enhanced by each individual member embracing and appreciating his or her own uniqueness, whilst being adaptable and able to look at other people’s views and ideas. Being unique dedicated and loyal yet one would say positive qualities, still may work in a more negative way, creating attachments, projection, desires and expectations, both of one’s self and others.
What are your goals and how do they rely on other people with teams or groups in which you belong? Those people with whom you class as equals may resonate on some levels however because we are complex creatures, and with time as it is, that feeling of resonating with another may be short lived or valid in some ways but not others.
Do you see yourself as the most unique and irreplaceable spoke in the wheel, because in truth, a wheel is supported by equal spokes and so you are really one of many. Each one is holding the hub together and of equal length. Let us hope that the hub is a strong one, enabling its spokes to connect in a strong way.
Working in groups, on teams and in committees can bring feelings of purpose and satisfaction, conversely depending on individual members, it can be excruciating, exasperating and still extremely rewarding.
Perchance this brings up feelings then you can turn it around, make lemonade out of lemons. The truth, first primary perspective looking through your lens, is to get a job done, create harmony and be a good team person, possible with strong organisational skills.
The first thing you can do in working in a group is to hold complete self-acceptance, and secondly, to take responsibility for your feelings and actions, instead of blaming others. Every one person has true uniqueness and there will never be a similar one living on the earth. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, which is magnificent, which brings a richness if we allow it into various situations and projects.
What has worked for me when feeling a clash of personalities or disagreement with others, is to recognise and take responsibility for the fact that I am being triggered, then to choose gratitude for the situation. This gives me the opportunity to embody appreciation, tolerance and enables me to clear it within me instead of thinking and feeling it is all somebody’s else’s fault.
Throughout life, we can so easily become stuck in our ways and generally life draws us into situations for a reason, which may be trivial or quite deep. So what we can do is to examine our expectations and see if it is because we have maybe been too fixed, not rolling with the flow of adaptability. Some people are very good at this, they do not make something out of nothing or conjure up reasons etc, dreaming up all sorts of imaginary stuff like some people do. I have also found that when I put people into boxes in my mind, I am unable to see them fresh and continue to meet them in an old way, when in fact they are, as I am every changing and growing. Having ourselves and others in boxes prevents us from holding a clarity of vision and freshness in each and every day.
I have things that work for me which assist energetic clearing on a daily basis and there are probably many ways of dealing with situations, whatever works for you or the Universe draws to you for a time would no doubt be just right. If on the other hand you feel to connect with me for a complimentary short chat about whatever, then please ring or email me, contact details are on my Laughter For Living website.
If you feel you would like to enquire how a laughter session, perhaps ending with some relaxation, that would be great also for you to experience it and for me to share one with you.
Love and Laughter
Lynette Mitchell xo

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Wellness Presenters at the Swift Health and Fitness Summit - 26 October 2014

Presenters at the Swift Health and Fitness Summit

I had the pleasure of attending the Swift Health and Fitness Summit on Sunday afternoon, sharing a short laughter session in the lunchtime period. It was a very impressive day and I felt to share about the three speakers who I heard during the afternoon. Firstly this is the 2nd year for the summit, which is put on by Leanne Hamilton of Swift Fitness. There were 60 exhibitors there, all sharing their products which are good and healthy in their own ways. You can check up about the program here, which will give you an idea about what to expect if you decide to do it in 2015. The reason I felt to share is that someone reading this may also resonate with one of these people or subjects and want to connect with them, either now or later on.

Nicole Bijlsma, from Building Biology.

Firstly we had Nicole Bijlsma, from Healthy Homes. Nicole is quite famous, having been interviewed 12 times on television as well as numerous radio segments and is Melbourne based, someone in what I imagine is a new field, building biology. She is called in to help mostly when there is sickness and uncovers sources of toxicity in homes, whether it be mould, dust, electromagnetic fields, plastics, chemicals water and more. She has written a book which I bought and find to be an easy and very informative read Healthy Home Healthy Family, which is published by Joshua Books. It can be found on her website.

Chris Price from OD on Movement in Windsor.

Next I got an insight into how necessary it would be and reminded how we do not, move our bodies in many ways, as it is mostly forwards and backwards. This is all about intelligent, or mindful movement. Chris Price from OD on Movement had us doing some simple movements and before that, we did a little exercise with a partner, showing how we resisted when the partner was gently pushing us, in order to maintain our balance. After the few simple exercises when we did the partner exercise again, our body was holding an inner core strength and certainty and resisting in a natural flowing way, quite different than before. Chris has some exercises are available to be downloaded from his website by clicking and signing up for access. I loved how Chris explained that we are in the middle of the age of immobility, with sitting taking up the majority of our day and we need to find simple intelligent movements to mobilise the joints, muscles and connective tissue, which helps to up-regulate the brain and nervous system and so improve our health and feel better. You know the much repeated saying, ‘if you don’t use it, you will lose it’.

I personally keep exercising with walking and some hatha yoga before bedtime. I can do more and will look into the DVDs that are available on Chris’s website.

Elizabeth Stewart from Nourishing Food Psychology

The third speaker who impressed me also, as once again, I did not know this type of person existed, was Elizabeth Stewart. I could resonate with Elizabeth, because I have like her, had issues with eating and weight. Many people use food as a means by either over or under eating, which avoid the real issues which may stem from low feelings of self worth or perhaps not wanting to face and feel our feelings. Elizabeth has written a book, “Nourishing your Heart and Soul’ which I also bought and find easy to read, which shares her story of binge eating. It is a very colourful, high quality recipe book. I feel that many of us would benefit by connecting with Elizabeth, who is a psychology food coach and nutritionalist. “Eating Psychology Coaching is an exciting and cutting edge approach developed by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. It effectively addresses weight concerns, binge eating, overeating, body image challenges, and various nutrition related health issues.”

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Anniversaries Provide Us With A Time For Introspection

Sunday 3rd August was my 28th Wedding Anniversary. I felt myself drawn to write about our lives together and feel that anniversaries are a good time to do that, whether it is a wedding anniversary or birthday or other, say counting the years in a job. And so I found myself spontaneously journaling without another’s suggestion, recalling others who have done similar things, writing about and marking a time in their personal history.

I never would have thought it would have been such a successful marriage and feel we are both examples of unqualified persistence and perseverance. I do love my husband, who is as they say a mirror; we used to fight and argue a lot, having quite different perspectives on life. I have had to learn to be not so precious and not take about things so seriously, it is not all about me, service and duty. I have been aware that I have been selfishly driven over the years, especially when coming back from a residential program where I stay with others in a community group. I find that I cannot have my own way, nor do I want to have it these days. This is because I have realised how demanding a wife I can be and resolve to do better and not whinge and whine for example when we are driving about the window being open. Actually now I am more forthright and direct, say it is bothering me, instead of being motivated like a victim and pleading for it to go up, I simply say I prefer to not have a draught and do what I can to compromise, such as being prepared when John has his cardigan on and then feels hot while I feel cold.

I am learning to look for positives in our relationship and appreciate what is working is a useful tactic, instead of focusing on and judging what I do not like. That is huge. He is very supportive and I understand now we are friends, on the same side, that I can and do ask John to do many things for me and I am cheerfully obliged to do what I have contracted to do as a wife. This includes not expecting him to do my roles of cooking and cleaning, we each have our jobs to do, his is to maintain the house. For instance on a recent Sunday morning, we woke to find our fence was graffitied with 8 big tags, covering 3 metres. He straight away changed his clothes, found the paint tin and brush and painted over the graffiti.

In the past I have felt I needed support in the way that was to have him do more things for me, I enjoyed giving orders, organising, being thoroughly spoilt and self-centred. Now our marriage is rather a co-creation and friendship that has formed, whereas before there was friction from us as people who were poles apart.  The glue holding us together can be a simple one of love underlying it all. We are brought together for a reason and I will not go into when it might be the ‘right’ time to cease being in a relationship. Suffice to say, while there is still learning and growing to do and one is triggered by the other into feeling their own negative emotions, it is time to stay. If not, the chances are we will be brought together by another similar type of person or with a person who enables us to bring up and experience our unresolved issues in a similar way. The exception to this would be if being in a relationship causes harm. Otherwise the chances are we will be brought together by another person alike in type which enables us to bring up our stuff and experience unresolved issues in a similar way, asking to be cleared.

From my experience I have found more inner peace when I live from my heart and love myself first, warts and all taking responsibility for my life, feelings and growth. We are all works in progress and the universe is benevolent. We get what we put out for, whether it is conscious or unconscious. It takes practice to connect and be clear about my own truth and work on my issues which are preventing harmony in my relationships.

It is a wondrous thing when the universe sucks me into place to live my purpose. Before I took responsibility for my feelings and doings, I was playing the blame game or being a victim to circumstances which made my life lacking in lustre and left me wondering what it was all about, why was I here. I felt as if I belonged somewhere else entirely. Fortunately that feeling recently passed and my purpose is ever evolving. To me my purpose is twofold, planetary and personal and maybe I will feel inspired to write about purpose in another moment.

For now, many blessings to you and I am here for the contacting if you feel drawn to do that. xxoo

You can email me to make contact or to receive my monthly Laughter For Living Newsletter, or sign up on Laughter For Living.

Disclaimer: This post is written from my personal understanding and experience and is not to be misconstrued in any way. Advice given is general and as I am not a medical doctor, take no responsibility for how it is received, my intention is that articles will be supportive and assist in living a more holistic life.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Workplace Affirmation

Affirmations are best read aloud in the morning as part of an energetic hygiene routine. Here is one that I wrote which may help support you during the day and may be repeated during the day as the need is felt to do so. Best of luck and do not hesitate to email me, link is below.

I say to myself, I am going to work today, as I drive, walk, ride or sit in public transport, I will be focused and prepared to roll with what happens on the day, giving each situation my full attention, being in the moment and holding strong firm boundaries with fellow employees so that I can do my job to the best of my present ability. I will each day leave work knowing that I have applied myself and as I return home on the return journey, I will focus on my breathing, being present, looking forward to coming in the front door and taking time to be present there also. I will leave my challenges at work,, neither will I bring any challenges that I may have in my personal life into my work situation, as my focus will be present, in the moment, my heart uplifted, my spirits high and full well knowing that although I work because I have to, it can be rewarding and as I attend to my work, my life becomes more expansive, as the universe is providing me with what I have put out for. As I become clear on other priorities or changes that need to be made, I will plan them to the best of my ability, setting realistic goals and holding patience, full well knowing that things will happen in God’s / Thy time and not my time. Therefore I understand that I am, like others, a work in progress.
What I learn and absorb I am able to somehow and at some time, be able to use to benefit others and I do not have to be in control every single moment of every day. Far better for it to be otherwise, that I am in the moment working and doing what I must and what presents itself and that as my understanding grows, so does my belief that everything is going according to plan, despite the fact that in moments it feels like everything is too much for me to bear and that things are turning to mush or a stronger word that will fit, perhaps it rhymes with fit.
I will find time to laugh, especially in moments when I feel I could break. I will also know the value of knowing when to seek outside help and not try to do it all on my own. I will use these things in discernment and choose balance and simple polite manners over strong emotions and rudeness. I will also honour my fellow human being and especially myself, who I have to live with forever and will not forget to give myself self-appreciation and cease all negative self-talk. I will honour and work with my inner coach and deny all feelings of doubt about myself or my abilities, as I know that I will not be put into a situation that I cannot handle. It is a law of the universe and I believe it to be so.

Please email me to receive this affirmation as a PDF file and if you would like to receive my monthly Laughter For Living Newsletter, email or sign up on Laughter For Living or email me. If you would like to have some wording individualised for you, please email, such as the way you go to work.

Disclaimer: This affirmation is written from my personal understanding and experience and is not to be misconstrued in any way. Advice given is general and as I am not a medical doctor, take no responsibility for how it is received, my intention is that articles will be supportive and assist in living a more holistic life.